Tapping Videos2018-03-26T13:09:02-04:00

Tapping Videos

TAPPING for Pain Relief

As explained in the video, it is rather difficult to address the issue of pain in a general manner and without ‘background information’ – but I trust that you will get some sort of result anyway! 🙂

I would appreciate to please hear back from you and let me know IF it helped you (you may have to tap along several times!) and to what extent.

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Happy holidays to all of you!


By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-2|0 Comments

TAPPING for Heartbreak

Hello and Happy New Year ! 🙂

Quite a few people asked me to do a tapping on ‘heartbreak’. Since I need to include both, men and women, it may feel a bit awkward to repeat what I say. You always have the choice to say ‘he’ or ‘she’ instead, though.

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I hope that this tapping will relieve your heartache and shift your focus – away from the past to a future filled with love and happiness…

Much love to you all,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-3|0 Comments

TAPPING for exercise resistance

Do you have a hard time motivating yourself to work out? Then try this tapping and let it help you get over the hump.

I’d like to add that exercise should be FUN! Don’t exercise because you want to lose weight. If you do that it becomes a chore and chances are that you will self-sabotage. There are enough things on your to-do list! Why not exercise because it makes you feel really good! Exercise just generally makes you feel better, generates tons of energy, and helps you be more attuned to your body. Regular exercise can even boost your self-esteem and ‘fight’ depression.

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Have fun with this one and let me know if it worked for you…

Much love to you all,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-5|0 Comments

TAPPING for an anger problem

Greetings to all!

This is a rather brief tapping to help you ‘soften’ your anger problem. We all experience anger, but sometimes it can become a habit. However, it is important to know that there are always underlying emotions that trigger anger. Often, we feel powerless or out of control first, before we ‘get our power back’ by feeling angry. So – you might want to ask yourself what triggers your anger and tap for that as well!

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Wishing you lots of success,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-6|0 Comments

Tapping for Homesickness

Greetings to all! 🙂

Rachael asked me to please do a tapping on homesickness as she misses her family and friends tremendously after moving out of state. I hope that everybody who taps along will get some relief…

Since most tapping suggestions I receive are simply too broad, I have decided to create tapping exercises for ‘basic’ feelings rather than trying to ‘throw in’ as many specifics about a broad issue as I can. I hope that all of you who e-mailed me will understand my decision. I truly believe that it makes a lot more sense and will help you to address your issues anyway. Ask yourself how you feel about the issue/ problem you have – and then go to the appropriate video which addresses exactly that feeling. Continue in that fashion as other feelings surface. I wish you lots of success! 🙂

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Enjoy the wonderful spring season,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-7|0 Comments

Tapping to Release Overwhelm

This week’s tapping is about the topic of ‘overwhelm’. Since I tap rather quickly, I’d suggest you just tap along while I am doing the talking.

I am grateful for any suggestions in regard to the TOWs (tapping of the week) – is there anything you are struggling with that you would like me to address with TAPPING? I’d love to hear from you!

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Much love to you all,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-12|0 Comments

Tapping to Release Overwhelm

This week’s tapping is about the topic of ‘overwhelm’. Since I tap rather quickly, I’d suggest you just tap along while I am doing the talking.

I am grateful for any suggestions in regard to the TOWs (tapping of the week) – is there anything you are struggling with that you would like me to address with TAPPING? I’d love to hear from you!

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Much love to you all,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-12|0 Comments

TAPPING & Money Worries

Welcome to this week’s TOW!

This week I am addressing money worries with TAPPING. I had a little ‘slip up’ in regard to the English, so let me quickly explain. I believe it is during the last round that I say something like ‘I have always gotten along’. What I really mean is that in retrospective things always worked out in the end – and proof of this is that you are still here and alive! 🙂

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Much love,

By |March 23rd, 2018|Categories: Tapping-14|0 Comments
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